Especially if you have ever, even once seen the classic Don. It is an irritating watch at best and a piece of crap movie that should have been killed off midway at worst. The only thing this remake of the… Continue Reading →
I won the contest and got an RFID book as a prize! Yay! Check it out at the RFID-Weblog! RFID contest winner
I had a very funny driving experience using my GPS this sunday. I was on my way back from Atlantic City after a convention and was driving up the Garden State Parkway (a toll road in NJ). Around exit 70,… Continue Reading →
I hate it with people try to refer to my black friends as african-american. — I take the stairs instead of the elevator (lifts) not because stairs are healthy, but because I am too impatient to wait for the… Continue Reading →
Because that is truly how awesome this movie is. It’s not a question of “have you” but “how many times have you”. Lage Raho Munnabhai is funny. It’s serious.It’s a comedy. It’s what comedies used to be. It’s the kind… Continue Reading →
So a friend of mine (your typical, American white male … the kind who are caught for “random” checking at airports to make others feel that the randomness is really random) was at a bar on Saturday night and… Continue Reading →
Yesterday was a sad day for me personally and for the company in general. One of our star employees S, left the company to pursue higher education and try his hands at his own startup. But … thats a good… Continue Reading →
I got a call from mom this morning. My grandfather’s younger brother passed away today in Rajasthan. He smoked, but wasn’t suffering from any ongoing diseases. The initial cause seems to be a heart attack that turned into a heart… Continue Reading →
I just had to deal with the news of a 3rd cancer case amongst my extended family and family of friends. This is only the 3rd person in my life whom I’ve known and now has cancer. All of them… Continue Reading →
Here’s wishing my extended Indian family a very Happy Independence Day. I hope you have done your part in making me proud of my country and will continue to keep India, clean, green, peaceful and prosperous. Jai Hind. India
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