We’ve started a new blog specifically discussing some popular and upcoming whitepapers and case studies of RFID solutions from around the world. Occasionally, we also write about specific hardware or other products. If you are interested in the RFID Active/Passive,… Continue Reading →
The simplest way of knowing when your marketing is getting it right is the exact moment when the phones start ringing (or emails start coming in from prospective clients). Incoming sales leads are the direct result of and the much… Continue Reading →
We have been working over the last few months to get a simple RFID Tags and Reader catalog/catalogue up and running. I believe it is now ready with some simple content and products and should be show-cased to a smaller… Continue Reading →
tenders, college, hard work I remember dozens of term papers, final essays and project reports I had to write and work on during high school and college. They took up lots of hours, editing, formatting and re-proofing. Making sure you… Continue Reading →
(with apologies to Josh Quittner, whose mag Business 2.0 I totally loved) But, Seriously! As an entrepreneur … I don’t need another social network letting me meet and chat with other entrepreneurs. Sure it’s all nice and fuzzy and maybe… Continue Reading →
Yesterday was a sad day for me personally and for the company in general. One of our star employees S, left the company to pursue higher education and try his hands at his own startup. But … thats a good… Continue Reading →
Surabhi has a great article on her views on what kinds of startups and what kinds of people survive over the first few years in the startup phase. Read her What it takes to start a business post. My thoughts… Continue Reading →
It’s been a hectic few months here at MindPillar and Adeena (and now, HurricaneBOSS). Yes, summer is here and business is booming for us entrepreneurial types. We just launched Hurricane BOSS software that caters to the sales needs of companies… Continue Reading →
Ok, so we go ahead and hire this new guy who has specific skills we are looking at. First off, he accepts our offer even though he has another offer waiting for him. Fair enough. Compare, and select whats better,… Continue Reading →
It’s been a hectic few months at my companies (MindPillar and Adeena). New developments … new people, new issues, new projects, new season, many conferences and still a lot of hard work. One thing that hasn’t changed is the personal/business… Continue Reading →
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