The world has to get back to listening to the “Man in the Arena”. This is the person actually doing the work & the person willing to make sacrifices (personal, professional and more) to ensure humanity moves ahead.

Unfortunately, what I see more of nowadays is greater attention paid to “Sheep with Loudspeakers”. The power of the tweet, comment & upvote is greater than that of sweat, effort & actual action.

It is very easy to drown out hard work, effort and a bias for action, in a gusher of online vitriol.

The crowd has always demanded entertainment. Roman gladiatorial matches are proof of that. But actually policy was not set on the basis of what the crowds demanded.

With the modern digital fire hoses of opinion, even the slightest tremour of discontent is quickly magnified into a tide of crowd appeasement decision making.

I believe that the masses should vote, but once voted in, let democratic and constitutional processes take over.

Our right to vote and for our voices to be heard should not be conflated with the idea that the highest decibel “at this instant” is right.

