Mental food, as you rush. Vinit Bhansali's blog

Month June 2024

Man in the Arena vs Sheep with Loudspeakers

The world has to get back to listening to the “Man in the Arena”. This is the person actually doing the work & the person willing to make sacrifices (personal, professional and more) to ensure humanity moves ahead. Unfortunately, what… Continue Reading →

Fundraising is a process

Do you treat fundraising as a one-off? Then you probably get disheartened by every rejection email from an investor. Today, I want to help you shift your perspective and embrace fundraising as a process, instead of a one-off. Today, I… Continue Reading →

Big, Bigger, Humblest

I’m no political commentator, so take this as an amateur attempt.From 2014 to 2019, India’s Modi wave went from Big to Bigger. With the 2024 election results, instead of it becoming the Biggest, we are probably seeing this as Modi… Continue Reading →

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