Technology was the worst in 2023.
It was the worst in 2022.
It was the worst in 2021.
It was the worst in ____.
(Put in any previous year, that assertion remains valid)
Technology previously was worse than today.
It will be better tomorrow than today.
At the rate of change of tech (semiconductors, networks, software, AI, etc), last year was worse than this year.
We invent new technology, research new algorithms, and invest in new tech startups with always this one underlying First Principal: Technology tomorrow will be better than technology yesterday.
Till last year, AI created interesting text.
Till last month, AI created interesting images.
Today, AI creates interesting videos (Sora)
Tomorrow? Well, I invest in tomorrow.
Investing in tech is always a forwarding looking game. It’s more a matter of not being too early or too late, never a matter of betting on the future or not.