I won the RFID-Weblog.com contest and got an RFID book as a prize! Yay! Check it out at the RFID-Weblog! RFID contest winner
So, the world as we know it is having huge energy crisis and food shortages and issues with religious fanatics. What do the western countries go and do? Why, get it’s own pet-dog to head the UN … so this… Continue Reading →
GottaBeMobile.com had an awesome link to an article showing some Concept designs from HP showing off how tablet PC’s and other personal computers could look in the near future. I just loved this photo of a futuristic Tablet PC …… Continue Reading →
I recently spoke to my friends about Ted Murphy and have to conclude that Ted (you know, the guy who started PayPerPost for ads on blogs) is working under Paul Allen. Microsoft does not want to directly fund these guys,… Continue Reading →
I had a very funny driving experience using my GPS this sunday. I was on my way back from Atlantic City after a convention and was driving up the Garden State Parkway (a toll road in NJ). Around exit 70,… Continue Reading →
I’ve always wondered why all the coolest, snazziest and newest technical toys … cellphones, music players, handheld games and other geeky wunder-lust items reach the US too late or never at all. You only have to read a few days… Continue Reading →
I’ve recently noticed that whatever side projects I’ve taken up over the last few years have a very short i-am-soo-excited-about-this shelf life. The amount of time I feel excited about the new idea is ~ 2 days. If I don’t… Continue Reading →
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