Mental food, as you rush. Vinit Bhansali's blog

Month October 2006

Continuing stories that shouldn’t have ended

The problem with monetization of stories, tv shows and movies is that they don’t follow the long-tail model. Once the advertisers dry up, the shows are stopped. The movies don’t have sequels and the books/series don’t have a 2nd or… Continue Reading →

Tacit knowledge

I’ve often wondered on how to best train people. Sometimes, even how to best train myself. In a previous post, titled “My coding skills have started to suck” I discussed how my programming skills are deteriorating. I also discussed how… Continue Reading →

Random Thoughts I Have Part Too

This is not directed at any one person … but specifically at the entire groups of people who, come festival season, literally spam their friends on Orkut/LinkedIn/FaceBook/Hi5/[put-your-fav-social-network-here] with messages of “Happy Diwali”, “Id Muburak”, “Happy new year”, etc, etc. I… Continue Reading →

Lots of free RAM (memory)

WooHoo! Installed a new 1 gb stick of ram in my tablet pc (total: 1.5 GB) and today for the first time actually saw free memory over a gig!!! Of course, with Windows Vista this much free memory will be… Continue Reading →

I miss you too

Cafe Habana in New York

If you live or work in Manhattan and haven’t yet tried the excellent grilled corn at Cafe Habana, you should! It’s delicious, hot off the flame griller and rolled in some amazing homemade crumbly cheese. Surabhi and I’ve been there… Continue Reading →

Don’t watch the new Don

Especially if you have ever, even once seen the classic Don. It is an irritating watch at best and a piece of crap movie that should have been killed off midway at worst. The only thing this remake of the… Continue Reading →

What makes a good software tester

The Braidy Tester blog that I just started reading really has a very nice summation of the mentality of a tester. More than just breaking software, the tester should make sure it has the capabilities the customer needs. Too often,… Continue Reading →

Share your clipboards with multiple computers

You never realize you have this problem till you actually have two computers you use on a regular basis. My current setup includes an IBM X31 laptop connected to a 2nd 15″ LCD monitor and my X41 TabletPC connected to a… Continue Reading →

Something worse than Bangalore roads

Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! I know how most people complain about Bangalore roads and traffic … but you should know Bangalore traffic wasn’t so bad till even 5 years ago. In fact, if you care to see bad roads and traffic… Continue Reading →

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