I’ve been trying to invite a few friends to Orkut (Google’s own social network) and noticed a very scary issue …
Orkut (Google) gives an error whenever I try to invite people who have yahoo.com email addresses.
Other addresses, like @njit.edu or @aol.com or even @hotmail.com seem to be working.
So, if this is a real technical bug, then it’s a really stupid one. If it’s corporate policy … then, to Google, how is Microsoft ok, but Yahoo not?!
Orkut problem Yahoo
22 Sep 2006 at 8:28 pm
A point which may or may not be related to this is that whenever somebody sends a message through orkut ( including invites ) yahoo mail inevitably marks it as spam.
25 Sep 2006 at 5:34 pm
It sucks. I sent a bunch of invites and kept waiting and waiting. Till date, no one has accepted :-(
27 Sep 2006 at 4:28 pm
Well, in reply to Anon …
I checked my Yahoo inbox as well as the spam-folder. Just won’t show up.
Also, the error on Orkut happens the moment I click on “send invite” containing a @yahoo.com address.