Ok, so we go ahead and hire this new guy who has specific skills we are looking at.

First off, he accepts our offer even though he has another offer waiting for him. Fair enough. Compare, and select whats better, financially and professionally. I say, go with us, good choice!

Second, I look to give some reeally creative freedom to this person based on his past performance and track record. He sounds independently creative and can extrapolate on given ideas.

Third, not only do I do good on his salary requirements, I do one better, and thrown in a year-end Diwali bonus (so-called, but actually at the end of 12 months).

However, now, the weekend before he’s supposed to join my company, I get this email …
(his reply was in response to our welcome email, not an independent email letting his future employer know of his decisions.)

Subject: Re: Welcome to Mindpillar!

Hi, Thanks but am no longer interested in the
offer. The offer came too late and I wouldn’t like to
be restricted to VB.NET or CF only.

Thanks all the same.

This wasn’t an offer. And offer is something he can deliberate on.
He agreed on this and was supposed to join us on Monday 10th April. Thats not an offer. It’s a confirmation.

And I get to hear this after I had already lined up a choice of PocketPC, TabletPC and Blackberry/Smartphone design projects based on his existing skills and given the fact that he’s a self-starter.

Listen buddy, if you are reading this, next time around, give me (or any future employers)
a) A Little more advance notice. (no, friday evening emails, for monday morning information don’t cut it)

b) You can wish your luck will last forever, so acting un-professionally works, right? Wrong. There is going to be a day, when you need more moolah, more responsibilities (it’s a part of growing up) and more benefits … and it might be the best person in the world to give it to you is someone you didn’t show professional courtesy.

c) They have respected and recognized your skills, don’t belittle their positive judgement of you with such cheap, thought-less actions.



