Mental food, as you rush. Vinit Bhansali's blog

Month December 2004

Actual Tsunami propagation animation

This is a computer generated animation showing the actual tsunami propagation over a period of 6 hours. Source:

tsunami Info blog

So far, the most comprehensive blog about getting information on and passing donations onto the affected regions … Please help all you can. Waking up on Monday morning with reports of 6000 dead was one thing. Waking up on… Continue Reading →

Post Popup-blocker popup

What an annoying discovery. This stupid website uses stupid Flash adverts (like they use for movie adverts, etc) to display a popup notifying that your browser has blocked a popup successfully. Don’t click on it, as this is definitely another… Continue Reading →

Murphy and his stupid law!

Murphy’s law[?] hits you when you least expect it. But of course! Friday was my day of dealing with postage services. 1) I needed to ship a package so I use the account with DHL because of the good rates… Continue Reading →

Graffiti in Newark

Everyday, while taking the off-ramp from 280 (going west, exit 14b) and getting onto MLK Jr. Blvd you see these amazing works of art at the crossing of MLK Jr. and Orange St. Today, on an almost holiday friday I… Continue Reading →

i found a Firefox bug

I found a pretty funny bug in FireFox (v1.0). When you go into any Livejournal posts and are also viewing the comments with the related blog entry, try to scroll down with your mouse-wheel or the mouse middle button +… Continue Reading →

Smart memory-card

Now this is a really smart memory card. It has a USB connector at one end and a SD card connector at the other end. So no messing with the 8-in-1 memory card readers, etc, etc. Mike’s list has the… Continue Reading →

Lottery tickets?

This morning, while getting out of the car in the office parking lot, I saw this guy in the car next to mine. Decent, young guy, in a nice, red Audi (a6 i believe). He had parked a few minutes… Continue Reading →

Cool gaming consoles …

Cool consoles … Which ones can you recall having played, or even seen? I’ve seen — All of the gameboy’s and — That Sega thingy (row 2, left) Wish I had seen the others … kinda tough to get hold… Continue Reading →

Millau Bridge: France

I have always felt hurt when new constructions spoils the existing view/landscape. It has happened often enough for me to feel irritated whenever a government agency declares a new ‘project’. We all know what that usually ends is … Leave… Continue Reading →

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