Looooong overdue.
Here are a bunch of photos from my Graduation in May 2004.
Follow the link …
Thats the women in my life, the brat and me.
Not in that order. Repeat. Not in that order.
Thats a few of my friends, Jessica, Tien-Wei and Aniket. And me.
Go ahead, you can ask … those metallic thingies on my gown?
The top one is from Bishop Cottons, my High School
The second one is for UPE (Upsilon Pi Epsilon). I was the president of UPE for a year.
And ACM, at NJIT, for 2 years (not metallicized)
23 Jul 2004 at 2:40 am
U finally graduate :)
23 Jul 2004 at 2:42 am
Dad too busy to fly down and see u graduate?
23 Jul 2004 at 9:08 am
C’mon, thats 5 years including 1.5 years of working/interning in multiple companies and countries. Cut an over-worked-20-something dude some slack.
23 Jul 2004 at 9:11 am
With a new factory coming up, yes.
I can understand. The fact that he felt sad/bad about not coming is enough for me. Displaying emotions is not something most Indian-Marwari dads are adept at. The next generation seems to get better, but there are miles to go before ….!