If this is right, then it’s very wrong …
Article below states that M$ might be putting in artificial blocks to stop distributed attacks. This is similar to the frustrations with Outlook blocking executable attachments (.exe, .bat, .msi, others). I find this policy of if we can’t fix it, restrict it very stupid. Even though M$ is on my good side, and I think they have intelligent people working for them, these solutions are far from logical.
It’s what I’ve been known to do (hence nick’d KludgeGuru by former roommates). A student doing it for his course-work because it’s due at 8 am and he is starting to code at 7:45 am is acceptable (right?!). M$ doing it for the most widely used desktop OS is insane.
Whats next?
Lets block 3rd party applications that don’t have an “M$” seal of approval?
They already warn you about such device drivers during some installs.
They should fix the OS to maintain system security by making it water-tight, not by putting it in the freezer so water turns to ice and they don’t have to deal with leaks.
23 Jul 2004 at 2:55 am
Ever heard to trusted comupting?
Digitial identification on processor. OS boots into trusted mode. Every software sends CPU signatute + App sig to s/w writer to see if its pirated. Then send the same thing to M$ to see if it is deemed safe by them. And all developers can pay a small fee to M$ to get the approval for every bit of code u & i write. And Btw, if you boot into “secure” mode, u cannot run insecure applications. No prizes for guessing M$ Office will be availible in only secure mode.
Btw, this is not some stray theory.
Intel is already making a chip for this. Read this a year ago in some “respectable” tech mag
23 Jul 2004 at 9:07 am
This blows!
I mean, the fact that they are willing to invest time and money on “researching” how to make things secure, and they only come up with other cock-eyed ideas that will lead to more issues.
I think this is a cycle of “shit, we screwed up, lets cover it up so no one finds out; rather than going back and making the changes” is going to mess up things for the common man in the long run.
Whats even more disturbing is that many of my juniors in college haven’t ever compiled a program in *nix.
Their only way of compiling a program is pressing F5 (VS.net). I only hope they get away from this handicap. Soon.
23 Jul 2004 at 11:45 am
Teach them that men do “Ctrl+F5”, not F5. Also, do they know differnece b/w debug an release versions?